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Unlocking the power of
water heaters
OSO Charge has automatic optimization against the Nord Pool spot price. Using machine learning, OSO Charge can move heating to the hours with the lowest electricity price.
OSO Charge control unit
If you have questions related to OSO Charge, we recommend that you first see if you can find the answer in the manual that came with the product.
Questions about App
We have created OSO inCharge (mobile app) to make it as easy as possible to use. If you still have problems, contact us and we will help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have made a list of the questions we get most often
Before purchase
OSO Charge has integration with the Nord Pool spot API. This means that it receives the electricity prices for the next day approx. at 13 every day. By activating smartstying in the app and selecting "Auto", it will, based on machine learning, move the heating to the hours of the day when the electricity price is lowest. Here you can also choose between 3 levels (low, balanced, high) for how big a risk you want to take with regard to cold water.
Ask for OSO Charge at your nearest plumber. There will also be updated information on this page regarding availability.
Retrofitting is supported on OSO SAGA S 200/300 and SX 200/300 which were manufactured after 26/09/2017.
Please read our Privacy Policy here.
ENOVA offers support for the installation of smart water heaters.
You can buy a supported OSO SAGA S or SX boiler today, and have OSO Charge retrofitted within 20 months afterwards, then collect documentation on both installations and get support of 35% of the total cost, up to NOK 4,000. This applies to the support scheme for "Smart water heater".
Read more about it here:https://www.enova.no/privat/alle-energitiltak/smart-varmtvannsbereder/
OSO Charge can be retrofitted onon SAGA S or SX which manufactured after 26/09/2017, and if you do not manage to get OSO Charge installed within 20 months after that, OSO Charge can be included as one of the products when you apply for support from ENOVA under the scheme: "Smart power management for homes". This scheme provides support of up to NOK 10,000, but requires that you e.g. controls two loads in homes (e.g. smart electric car charger and smart generator).
Read more about the criteria for this scheme here:https://www.enova.no/privat/alle-energitiltak/smart-stromstyring/
Link til API-beskrivelse: https://api.osoenergy.no/water-heater-api-swagger/index.html
During installation and setup
SSID (network name) and passwords containing "&", "$" or Norwegian special characters (æ,ø,å) are not supported. Some OSO Charge have a firmware version where it has challenges with long SSIDs or passwords and some special characters. If so, it can be solved by sharing the internet from your phone (give it a simple name and password). Then try to connect to this network. When the button on OSO Charge lights up continuously green, it is online. Then wait approx. 10 minutes for it to update (it will download and update to the latest firmware).
Some mobile phones have problems scanning the small QR code that is stuck on the side or on the back of the cover of the OSO Charge. That is why there is a larger QR code in the box or stuck on the manual. Contact us if you cannot find this.
Sjekk manualen for hva de forksjellige intervallene for blink kan bety. Hvis du har montert OSO Charge på en SAGA SX – Xpress bereder, så sjekk at kun nedre termostat er justert til 90 grader. Den øvre skal stå på 70 grader.
OSO Charge takes 3 days to learn the consumption pattern, and will then start to optimize towards the Nord Pool spot.
On the left in the upper half of the app's main page you will often see a number that is higher than the size of your water heater. That's because we heat water to approx. 75 degrees and mixes it with cold water on the way out of the boiler again before it reaches e.g. the shower. Most of us use hot water of approx. 40 degrees and we have therefore chosen to show how many liters of 40-degree water you can get out of the boiler at the time you check the app.
Can't find answers to your questions?
Contact us on the phone number below or send us an inquiry via our contact form